Video Tutorials — Spyderco Para Military 2 scales
Spyderco Para Military 2: Scales Replacement & Disassembly Guide!
Spyderco Spyderco Para Military 2 Spyderco Para Military 2 scales Spyderco Paramilitary 2 Spyderco PM 2 Spyderco scales wood scales

Popular and lightweight, the Spyderco Para Military 2 folding knife is renowned for its excellent build quality and adaptability. Although the knife has sturdy handles, some users might want to change the scales on their Spyderco PM 2 to make it more unique. It can be a satisfying and easy do-it-yourself effort to replace the scales, whether you want to improve for looks or functionality.I make wooden scales, sometimes known as wood handles, specifically for the Spyderco Paramilitary 2. Since I frequently get asked how to replace the scales on these knives, I decided to create a video explaining the...